• Nani Marquina Dots Carpet
The collection's concept is based on an attractive rectangular rug design featuring large dots in different colours. The collection also includes 5 different sized round rugs in the same solid colours as the dots. Finally, there is a round rug that features the collection's entire range of colours in a striped design. An innovative and contemporary collection that is ideal for combining the different rugs in one single environment.

Handtufting System:
Manual method carried out with the aid of a pistol-like device. When actuated, it fires and then cuts a portion of the wool, inserting it into a cotton cloth base, on which the pattern has been previously marked. The wool is fixed to the base by means of latex. It allows for elaborate designs but not precise curved ones.

Handloom System:
The Handloom System uses a manually actuated loom.
It is also referred to as the rod system, like the Wilton System, differing only due to its manual operation. It also allows for the weaving of both looped and cut pile. It only permits simple designs.

Rugs 100% wool (Bikaneri + New Zealand) Manufacture: Handmade

Model Dots 30:
System: Handtufting
Density: 38.760 knots/m2
Wool pile height: 14 mm
Total height: 20 mm
Total weight: 4,15 kg/m2 ·

The rest of models:
System: Handloom loop pile
Density: 38.760 knots/m2
Total height: 13 mm
Total weight: 3,5 kg/m2

Nani Marquina