• Francesco Bettoni and Bruno Fattorini Newcase Storage System
  • Francesco Bettoni and Bruno Fattorini Newcase Storage System
  • Francesco Bettoni and Bruno Fattorini Newcase Storage System
  • Francesco Bettoni and Bruno Fattorini Newcase Storage System
  • Francesco Bettoni and Bruno Fattorini Newcase Storage System
System of units both stackable and modular as a column designed to solve home, office or community storage problems. The storage units can be open or closed with doors, drawers or large drawers. The units are made with medium-density wood fibreboards (2 cm thick) covered both sides with an anodized aluminium sheet.

The storage units are perfectly finished at the back also and may be assembled, by rotating them, with drawers and doors opening at the back. This allows the unit to be used as a twosided room divider. UNITS The units, 41.2 cm deep and 94 or 124 cm long, are of four types:  base unit, with plinth resting on the ground and adjustable small feet, stackable unit, to be stacked on the base unit, stackable unit with top to complete the column, base unit with plinth and top to be used as a single storage unit.

Units available: in height 43.2 or 41.2 or 45.2 cm: open or closed with a door, with two drawers, with a large drawer or with a large drawer with fi les holder,  in height 22.6 or 20.6 or 24.6 cm: open or closed with one drawer.

The retractable doors with a compass hinge are made of: sandwich panels covered on both sides with an aluminium sheet, frame in aluminium and tempered transparent or frosted glass. Thanks to a system of pins and springs, the door is self-centering and always detachable. The doors open and close by means of a simple "push-and-open" pressure.

The drawers, always provided with a synchronizer, have fronts in natural anodized aluminium panels or frame in aluminium and glass, either transparent or frosted. The large drawers, always provided with a synchronizer, have fronts in aluminium panels only. The sides of drawers and large drawers with aluminium panels are in natural anodized aluminium, while the bottom of chipboard melamine-coated 1,6 cm wood in grey colour.

The sides of drawers with aluminium and glass front are in aluminium-varnished steel. They all allow front adjustment. Drawers and large drawers are provided with a handle, at all length, made of extruded anodized aluminium. The drawers with aluminium front can be equipped with a bottom for CD rack.

Inside glass shelves in transparent 6 mm thick safety glass, for storage units with doors. In this case, the unit is pre-drilled in the middle. Fully extractable guides and natural anodized aluminium sides.

Francesco Bettoni
Bruno Fattorini


MDF Italia